I may have used the expression "salad days" before in this blog. The expression comes into my mind when I think of summer and our young and youthful participants so enthusiastically helping out. This morning, I wondered why the phrase was popping into my mind, and looked it up on the internet. According to Wikipedia: "'Salad days' is a Shakespearean idiomatic expression used to refer to a youthful time, accompanied by the inexperience, enthusiasm, idealism, innocence, or indiscretion that one associates with a young person. More modern use, especially in the United States, refers to a heyday, a period when somebody was at the peak of their abilities—not necessarily in that person's youth." So, it's a fair fit. Some pictures from our wonderful July meal are set out below. Please join us in August.
Making lemonade. |
Friends wearing matching pink shirts. |
Frank! |
Smiling girl. |
Giving away salad. |
Giving away salad, part 2. |