It was a phenomenal evening, in so many ways. On Friday, while drifting off to sleep, it occurred to me that I would be the only one at Elijah's Table this Sunday. Just me and my spatulas. I sat bolt upright. One regular volunteer couple would be receiving an award for all of their community service work; another regular volunteer couple planned to support their friends at the award ceremony; and a third group of people had a family emergency. I put out the equivalent of an APB, and a ton of wonderful volunteers showed up at our doorstep. In addition, we had a record-breaking number of guests. (BTW, We also had a record-breaking number of cakes to give away.) Whitney Houston sure got it right:
"When you've got friends, to wish you well
You'll find your point when, you will exhale (yeah, yeah, say)
Shoop, shoop, shoop shoop be doop,
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop
Shoop, shoop, shoop be doop..."
Three angels. |
NB: Check it out:
The incomparable Ms. Whitney Houston.