This blog is posted by "Elijah's Table," a joint project of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration (1 Hood Road, Derry, NH) and Etz Hayim Synagogue (1-1/2 Hood Road, Derry, NH), both located on Hood Road in Derry, NH. Twice a month we provide free, family-friendly dinners, which are served in a relaxed atmosphere. There are other organizations in the Derry, New Hampshire area that also offer free and delicious meals to the public. Please see the calendar on the right-hand side of this blog for a list of upcoming meals. And don't forget the offerings of the Sonshine Soup Kitchen (described on the left-hand side of this blog) and The Derry Salvation Army!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Blue skies, pink shirts: Sunday May 21 at Elijah's Table.

It was another great day at Elijah's Table, as illustrated in the pictures below.  Please join us at the synagogue on June 25 (not our usual 3rd Sunday, because that will be Father's Day), when we will be serving pizza and ice cream from Moo's.  And enjoy a great Father's Day.  DCOFT's Elijah's Table will be held, as usual, on the second Sunday of the month.  

Pretty in Pink #1.
Pretty in Pink #2
More lovely ladies.
The girl with the ice cream.

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