This blog is posted by "Elijah's Table," a joint project of the Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration (1 Hood Road, Derry, NH) and Etz Hayim Synagogue (1-1/2 Hood Road, Derry, NH), both located on Hood Road in Derry, NH. Twice a month we provide free, family-friendly dinners, which are served in a relaxed atmosphere. There are other organizations in the Derry, New Hampshire area that also offer free and delicious meals to the public. Please see the calendar on the right-hand side of this blog for a list of upcoming meals. And don't forget the offerings of the Sonshine Soup Kitchen (described on the left-hand side of this blog) and The Derry Salvation Army!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

We're honored!

Today, Elijah's Table received a donation from the Exchange Club of Salem in support of our free meals program.  It was a huge honor for us to receive this donation, which will be shared by Etz Hayim Synagogue and the Derry Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration and used to support our joint meals program.  And we are honored every month when you choose to have dinner with us.  Remember: the church generally serves its Elijah's Table dinner on the second Sunday of the month, and the synagogue generally serves dinner on the third Sunday of the month.  Please regularly check the list of free meals, on the right-hand side of this page.

See you soon!

And many thanks to the Exchange Club. 

From left to right:  Maggie Mackie-Ciancio, Senior Warden of DCOFT's Vestry,
Dina Michael Chaitowitz, VP of  EHS's Board of Directors,
and Stephanie Daniels, Secretary, Salem, NH, Exchange Club.

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